DayZ in 2022: New weapons, assets, lore and more
Posted February 15, 2022PRAGUE, Czech Republic, Tuesday, February 15, 2022 - Bohemia Interactive is announcing its overall plans for DayZ in 2022, which include five updates, Seasonal events, and plenty of new additions to terrains, asset production, firearms, and more. You can read all about DayZ’s plans for 2022 in our previously published article here.
Watch DayZ' New Update Trailer
Watch DayZ' New Update Trailer

Bohemia Interactive confirmed its commitment to support DayZ throughout 2022 and offer frequent updates that include a healthy balance of fixes, stability, balancing, and new content. The developers plan on releasing five updates this year, ranging from minor to major. All of them should add at least one firearm and, unlike last year, the focus will be especially on civilian weaponry.
The plans include:
· Focus on improving official terrains, particularly the DLC map Livonia
· Improvements to vehicle stability
· Enriched seasonal events
· Expanding DayZ lore
· Adding more civilian firearms
· Ramping up asset production
· More customization to control scheme on controllers
All of these improvements will be done in cooperation with the game’s partners and community in order to maintain the performance and stability of the game. That includes ensuring that older generations of hardware are not left behind.
Bohemia Interactive kicks the year off with the release of Update 1.16 on all platforms. It does contain a new firearm, but more importantly, it offers a wide variety of fixes and adjustments which are aimed at numerous balancing and gameplay issues. This offers developers a chance to clean up the game and sets the stage for invigorating updates to come, which is great news for Survivors everywhere. Read more about the update here and don’t miss the trailer!