Green Hell

Survive Together in Green Hell's Co-op Mode Update

Posted April 07, 2020

Warsaw, Poland - April 7, 2020  The time has come to navigate the treacherous depths of the world's largest rainforest with your friends! Creepy Jar has officially launched the highly-anticipated Co-op Mode update for Green Hell, and now players can survive together by taking part in such fun activities as team camp building and mutual leech removal. You know it isn't a fun outing in the rainforest without leech removal! Celebrating their biggest update yet, Green Hell is currently on sale with a 25% discount on Steam.


Available on PC for $24.99 USD, Green Hell has seen near-constant improvement and new features as the Creepy Jar team diligently works to complete goals on their 2020 content roadmap. See below for the key additions in the co-op mode update:

  • Play with your friends — Up to 4 players can tackle the rainforest together in the ultimate bid for survival!
  • New voiceovers — Our characters can’t all sound the same, can they?
  • New character models — What? You think we have identical quadruplets in here? Different clothing colors and beards will populate for each character in your party.
  • In-game chat — Yell at your friends for doing things wrong! It’s fun!
  • Redesigned menus — New menu options to make accessing and using co-op a breeze.
  • Enhanced leech removal — Be a pal, won’t you? Go ahead and remove the leeches from your buddy’s nether-regions (well, their arms and legs, at least)!
  • Integrated invitations via Steam — Inviting a friend is as easy as hunting and skinning a Black Cayman! Okay, it's actually a lot easier.

Green Hell is now available at a list price of $24.99 USD

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