Green Hell
Bolster Your Defences! Green Hell’s 18th Update - Fortifications - Adds New Ways To Defend Your Base
Posted December 06, 2023 Warsaw, Poland - Dec. 6th, 2023 — Creepy Jar is pleased to announce that Green Hell’s Fortifications Update, the 18th post-launch update for the critically acclaimed survival title, is now available for all PC players for free. Introducing new fence types and additional constructions aimed at keeping your home safe and secure: fences, palisades, gates, and lookout platforms each add an extra layer of defense and strategy to a player's base. Have you ever been annoyed that anyone can enter and even try to destroy your cherished base? Well, that time is over!
See below for a list of all the new improvements made as part of the update:

- Fences - wood and bamboo - The first of the new upgrades is the ability to build simple stick fences made from wood or bamboo. They may not be the most durable, but they’re a great option if you’re short on supplies.
- Palisades - wood and bamboo - If you prefer to build something more solid and sturdy, we’ve got you covered! With strong wooden and bamboo Palisades you can wall yourself away from many of the dangers that await you in the wilderness.
- Gates - No base feels complete without a proper gate! Select from wooden and bamboo gates, but remember to close them. You don’t want to get caught unawares!
- Lookout Platforms - Do you like to lurk over your uninvited guests? You can always wait on them with a warm soup or a drawn bow on the new scaffold construction. As we all know, it’s always better to have the high ground!

As the 18th free update added post-launch, the Fortifications Update joins a notable slate including update number five’s Co-op Mode, updates nine through eleven’s Spirits of Amazonia Mode, and perhaps the most notable, number ten’s Animal Husbandry Update. Long-time fans will remember that the Creepy Jar team adopted a capybara named Tenebris from the Łódź Zoo in Poland to celebrate that update, and we can confirm that the capybara is still very cute and that there are more updates still yet to come to Green Hell in the future.