No Pineapple Left Behind
About No Pineapple Left Behind
In No Pineapple Left Behind, an evil wizard shows up to a school and turns all of the children into pineapples. Pineapples are very simple. All they do is take tests and get grades. If they get good grades, the school makes more money. But, if left unattended, pineapples can turn back into children. (Oh no!) Children are far more complex and expensive than pineapples. You are the principal. Your job is to run the school.
About Mastertronic Group Ltd.
Mastertronic is well-known electronic entertainment brand in Europe. It pioneered the European console market with its launch of the Sega Master System. The brand was subsequently re-launched as The M...
Important Dates
Release: Thursday, February 18th, 2016Publisher/Developer
Publisher: MastertronicDeveloper: Subaltern Games