About Session
Inspired by the golden era of skateboarding, the early 90s and early 2000, Session's primary goal is to make you experience what skateboarding really is; an incredible sport where there are no other goals other than expressing your creativity and achieving success through hard work, perseverance and bits of madness for no one else other than yourself.
About creā-ture Studios
creā-ture Studios is an independent videogame studio in the great Montreal area dedicated in making original IPs.
News & Announcements
In the sprint for their first major stretch goal, creā-ture Studios are looking...Wednesday, December 13th, 2017
Now that street skating sim Session has reached its funding goal, stretch goals...Monday, November 27th, 2017
Pop into the most authentic skateboarding game ever, featuring true-to-life cont...Tuesday, November 21st, 2017
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