Styx: Shards of Darkness

Discover the Skies of Korrangar in New Images

Posted November 29, 2016

Styx: Shards of Darkness: Discover the Skies of Korrangar in New Images 

Styx: Shards of Darkness, sequel to Cyanide Studios' stealth hit Master of Shadows, comes to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in Q1 2017. Four new images show off the heavily guarded Port of Korrangar, airships in flight, and the impish nature of our green-skinned thief himself. 

The only thing sharper than Styx's wit is his knife, and both will be put to the test in his deadly adventure across land, sea and sky. After taking care of business in City of Thieves Thoben, Styx agrees to steal an ambassador's scepter - in exchange for vast quantities of highly addictive, magical Amber of course! It's not long before this seemingly straight forward task takes an unexpected turn though, as Styx is thrust into a dangerous world of shady politics and powerful magic. 

This time around, Styx has access to a far greater arsenal of tools and abilities to fit with a range of different playstyles. Avoid or hunt guards with potent Amber powers, including the ability to instantly teleport into a newly hatched Styx clone. The newly-added crafting system lets you adapt to situations as you progress, allowing you to craft lethal traps and other devices from components stolen on your adventure. 

This open-ended approach extends beyond Styx himself. The game once again features highly vertical environments, far grander in scale and non-linearity than ever before. Every objective is achievable through many different routes and tactics - from lurking through shadowy depths to unleashing silent attacks from above, how Styx progresses in each mission is entirely up to you. 

Styx: Shards of Darkness comes to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2017. Preorder now, and get exclusive access to the Akenash set, granting you the iconic outfit and dagger seen in Styx's first adventure.

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