Vaporum: Lockdown
About Vaporum: Lockdown
Grid-based dungeon crawler with modern controls, immersive steampunk audiovisuals, action combat, mind-bending puzzles, and a unique gadget-based RPG system. Follow the story of Ellie Teller, trying to survive disastrous events in a dark, isolated tower.
About Fatbot Games
Fatbot Games has 50+ years of combined experience in the biz (Cauldron - Activision, Keen Software House, Illusion Softworks), and believes in polished games with engaging storylines and high producti...
News & Announcements
Vaporum: Lockdown, is now available on Nintendo Switch, following successful lau...Monday, March 22nd, 2021
A modern take on old-school dungeon crawlers is now available for players to enj...Thursday, March 11th, 2021
Fatbot Games' modern take on old-school dungeon crawlers launches on Steam, Humb...Tuesday, September 15th, 2020
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