This Is The President
About This Is The President
This Is the President is a satirical thriller, where the President of the USA manages the country like a mobster and tries to escape justice for past crimes. Change the fabric of the United States Constitution by persuading, blackmailing, bribing, and bullying a large part of the political system into granting you lifelong immunity.
About Handy Games
HandyGames is a THQ Nordic family member and operates as an international publisher for small and mid-sized projects and developers for a worldwide audience.
Important Dates
Release: Tuesday, May 10th, 2022Publisher/Developer
Publisher: HandyGamesDeveloper: Weappy Studio
iOS AndroidESRB Rating
News & Announcements
You are the president. Try to get away with past crimes, all form your mobile de...Monday, May 9th, 2022
Imagine being the single most powerful person in the world, trying to cover up y...Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
So, SuperPac and THQ Nordic had a bet going on. At this point it doesn't really...Wednesday, December 15th, 2021
This Is the President Launches Today With a New TrailerMonday, December 6th, 2021
How To Make The Supreme Court Follow Your Lead in This Is the PresidentThursday, December 2nd, 2021
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