This Is The President

The polls are in for This is the President!

Posted May 10, 2022
Giebelstadt, Germany, 10th May 2022
So you are the president and you want to have your own app because somebody did not like your approach toward "the truth". ​Forget them, you want your own platform with blackjack and … wait!

Have you not heard about the app "This Is the President"? This game teaches you how to be a "proper" politician. And it is coming to your mobile device today! ​

"This Is the President" is now available on the App Store, Google Play Store and Samsung Galaxy Store.

"This Is the President" is a story-driven mixture of adventure, strategy, and management. It is the year 2020, you are elected to be the President of the United States of America. To escape justice for your past crimes as a shady multi-millionaire businessman, you need to ratify Amendment 28 which would grant lifetime immunity to any President.

There’s only one way out. Change the fabric of the Constitution of the United States by persuading, blackmailing, bribing, and bullying a large part of the political system into granting you lifelong immunity.

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